March Meeting Topic: Healing Herbs


healing herbs2Hello Fellow Gardeners and Derwood Neighbors!
Please plan to join us at the next Mill Creek Towne Garden Club meeting.  Our very own Heather Whirley has become a Montgomery County Master Gardener and will be presenting the evening’s program.  As always, guests from Mill Creek Towne AND the surrounding Derwood communities are welcome.    We hope you can join us for a fun evening as we learn more about gardening and the natural world.  Please look below for more information about the meeting.

Date:  Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @ 7:30 p.m.
Location:  Mill Creek Towne Elementary School Teacher’s Lounge
Speaker:  Master Gardener Heather Whirley
Topic: Healing Herbs
Hostesses:  Carol Hyland and Heather Whirley