Category Archives: Events

winter birds and feeder

February Gardening Tips

Hello Fellow Gardeners,

Hope you survived the blizzard and are enjoying the warm weather we have while it lasts!   Below are some gardening tips, educational opportunities, and events for February. Don’t miss our meeting on Tuesday, February 23rd, 7:30 pm with a Master Gardener guest speakers, Merikay Smith and Lee Anne Gellety, who will give a presentation on Creating Children’s Gardens: Growing Gardeners!


  • Select and order fruit plants. Decide on new tree/shrub locations.
  • Design new beds and gardens.

  • Read the University of Delaware’s article on “Looking good and doing good”-
    • Looking for native plants that people will want in their gardens. (University of Delaware UDaily)


Flowers and Groundcovers:

  • Deadhead pansies.
  • Pull out ornamental cabbages and kale.
  • Lightly fertilize bulbs when green starts to show.
  • Transplant seedlings into individual 3″-4″ pots when crowded. Fertilize transplants with half strength houseplant fertilizer (every 2 weeks).
  • Start seeds for: Portulaca, Flowering Tobacco, Ageratum, China Aster, Cleome Dwarf Marigolds, Salvia, Tall Snapdragons, Verbena. Fertilize transplants.
  • A Quick Guide to Pruning Clematis (HG107) | University of Maryland Extension
    “Refrain from any hard pruning of vines like clematis until early spring.”Canbys Lobelia
  • There are many rare, threatened and endangered plants in Maryland.

Trees and Shrubs:

Herbs, Veggies, and Fruit:
  • Sow greens indoors or outdoors in cold frame. Apply dormant oil spray to fruit trees.
  • Start seeds for: Cabbage, chives, fennel, sage, thyme, rosemary
  • Begin successive plantings of peas using inoculant.
  • Growing edible plants indoors.
  • Diseases to watch for: Damping off of seedlings
  • Here are some more fruit and vegetable gardening tips for February from UMD’s HGIC.


  • Shovel walks and drive before applying ice melt or you will damage lawn.
  • Reseed bare spots or overseed (through early April).
  • Clean yard of all leaves and other debris.
  • See HGIC’s February Lawn Tips for more details.


  • Begin to pot up rooted cuttings. Fertilize with half strength houseplant fertilizer every other watering.
  • Pests to watch for: Spidermites, Mealybug, Scale
  • See HGIC’s February Houseplants Tips for more tips.

Indoor/Outdoor Insect and Wildlife Tips:

Source: University of Maryland’s Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC).


See below for upcoming local events in February. Don’t miss our meeting on Tuesday, February 23rd, starting at 7:30 pm with a Master Gardener guest speaker, Merikay Smith and Lee Anne Gellety who will give a presentation on Creating Children’s Gardens: Growing Gardeners!

Winter Festivals in Montgomery Parks

Winter is right around the corner…and we have lots of festivals and events to help you enjoy the season! Check out for a list of major events happening in late November through February.

Weekends in February
Times Vary | Brookside Nature Center
$6/person | Ages 3 & up | Saturday & Sundays in February
February is Maple Sugaring Month at Brookside Nature Center. Every Saturday and Sunday you’ll have an opportunity to experience an American tradition: maple sugaring! Watch the whole maple sugaring process from start to finish. See sap drip from trees and taste it. Watch us boil it down into sweet maple syrup, then sample a tasty treat. Join in the fun and activities and learn something new at this family-friendly program! Space is limited so pre-registration is encouraged.
Color Maryland Green Art and Poetry Contest - 2016
Color Maryland Green Art and Poetry Contest – 2016


Color Maryland Green Contest
COLOR MARYLAND GREEN is an art and poetry contest hosted by the Maryland Departments of Natural Resources (DNR) and Environment (MDE) designed to inspire stewardship and outdoor learning.
Subject matter should demonstrate the student’s appreciation of our natural world, including but not limited to our air, water, land, fish and wildlife.

Deadline:  All entries must be postmarked by March 4, 2016.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources
c/o Color Maryland Green Contest
580 Taylor Avenue, D4
Annapolis, MD 21401

Winners will be announced on or before Earth Day, April 22.


A 2016 Maryland Park Passport will be awarded to the best overall entry by age group in each of the drawing/painting, digital illustration, photography and poetry categories. One overall video will be selected. Semi-finalists will also be acknowledged.
For details, please visit: cmg_about
Montgomery Parks Volunteer Opportunity of the Week: 2016 Great Backyard Bird Count at Brookside Nature Center, February 12-15, 2016, 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.


Brookside Nature Center
1400 Glenallan Ave.
Wheaton, MD 20902

  View map

Help us keep track of the birds that come to our feeders and promote the bird census records compiled at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) occurs February 12- 15, 2016. Observers are asked to come to Brookside Nature Center between 9 am and 5 pm and observe from our indoor viewing station or from our outdoor viewing ramp, the number and species of birds at our feeders for one or more hours. Your recorded results will be sent to the Cornell data base. This is a great Citizen Science project for bird lovers over the age of 12 or anyone who can accurately identify common bird species, and count over ten!

12 & 13 year olds can also volunteer, but must be accompanied by an adult.

CONTACT: Jennifer to set up a date and time at

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 12

Job type: Event (1-7 days)

Volunteer type:  Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group

2016 Spring Gardening Conference
February 20 @ 8:30 am2:30 pm

Agricultural History Farm Park,

18400 Muncaster Rd, Derwood, MD 20855
Derwood, 20855 United States

+ Google Map

Montgomery County Master Gardeners logo

Presented by the Montgomery County Master Gardeners EXPLODING THE MYTHS: Fascinating Facts to Help You Avoid Common Gardening Mythstakes! Saturday, February 20, 2016* University of Maryland Extension Montgomery County Office, 18410 Muncaster Rd., Derwood, MD $55 per person or $50 each for two or more, includes lunch Registration closes Febuary 16; no refunds after February 13 *Snow date – February 27, 2016 (In case of inclement weather, we follow Montgomery County Public Schools’ Weekend Activity Policy.) Schedule of Events Registration…

Find out more »

MCT Garden Club February Meeting Topic: Creating Children’s Gardens: Growing Gardeners

February 23 @ 7:30 pm9:00 pm

Mill Creek Towne Elementary

17700 Park Mill Dr
Derwood, 20855 United States

+ Google Map

Hi Fellow Gardeners and Neighbors!
The Mill Creek Towne Garden Club is having a Master Gardener presentation presented by Merikay Smith and Lee Anne Gellety in February on Creating Children’s Gardens: Growing Gardeners. Please come join us – all are welcome!  Below are the details.child_daffodil
  • Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
  • Topic: Creating Children’s Gardens: Growing Gardeners
  • Speaker: Merikay Smith and Lee Anne Gellety, Master Gardeners
  • Location: Mill Creek Towne Elementary Teacher’s Lounge
  • Hostesses: Nancy Brady, Heather Whirley
3rd Annual Waterfowl Festival
Saturday, February 13
Noon – 4 p.m. | Black Hill Nature Programs
FREE | All AgesBring the whole family for a day filled with activites, demonstrations, and exhibits to celebrate the wondrous water birds that call Little Seneca Lake home during the winter. Try your hand at carving a decoy. Make a bird bonnet to look like a hooded merganser or a bufflehead. Learn about wood duck nest box Citizen Science initiatives. Join guided excursions to catch a glimpse of marine ducks, swans and maybe even the Black Hill eagles! No registration required for this free event.
Learn More

Black History Month Events

Saturday, February 27 & Sunday, 28
Times Vary | Josiah Henson Park
Visit for updated schedules & information.Celebrate Black History Month by retracing the footsteps of Reverent Josiah Henson from his enslavement to escape on the Underground Railroad to freedom in Canada, watching the Time Team America PBS documentary about archaeology discoveries made at Josiah Henson Park, and participate in a spoken word poetry event. Learn more at
Learn More




How Does Your Garden Grow

Sunday, March 6
Noon – 4 p.m. | Black Hill Nature Programs
FREE | All AgesWeather you’re a novice or an expert, all are welcome for a day of garden talk and practice. Naturalists, garden pros, and Master Gardeners will all be on-hand to share their advice and expertise. We’ll have activities for the whole family. No registration needed.
More Info Coming Soon!


Philadelphia Flower Show Xcursion

Tuesday, March 8 & Thursday, March 10
7 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Trip leaves from Brookside Gardens
$90/person (includes coach transportation & entrance fee)
Register at
Join us for a trip to the Philadelphia International Flower Show. Be inspired as you explore acres of great gardens and learn from the world’s most celebrated growers and florists.









January Gardening Tips

Hello Fellow Gardeners,

Hope you enjoyed your holiday celebrations with friends and family!  We wish you a Happy, Healthy,  and Prosperous 2016!  Below are some gardening tips, educational opportunities, and events for January. Don’t miss our meeting on Tuesday, January 26th, 7:30 pm with a Master Gardener guest speaker, Stan Fisher, who will  give a presentation on Planting for Birds!


  • Start reading those seed catalogs!
  • Decide where your plants from seed are going in your garden.
  • Order/buy those seeds! Collect supplies for starting seeds.
    • The University of Maryland’s Home and Garden Information Center celebrated 25 years of answering Marylanders’ questions about pests and plants!

Flowers and Groundcovers:

Trees and Shrubs:

Herbs, Veggies, and Fruit:
  • Cover garlic plants with straw or leaf mulch.
  • Cover garden beds with shredded leaves to minimize soil erosion.
  • Prune dead bramble canes.
  • Hand-pull visible weeds.
  • Sharpen and replace tools as needed.
  • Interesting idea: Innovations in Agriculture In Japan!! Plant potatoes in a pot!
  • Here are some more fruit and vegetable gardening tips for January from UMD’s HGIC.


  • Shovel walks and drive before applying ice melt or you will damage lawn.
  • Get your lawn mower serviced.
  • Avoid walking on frozen grass to avoid damaging the crowns.
  • This is a good time of year to dispose properly of left over and unwanted pesticides.
  • See HGIC’s January Lawn Tips for more details.


  • Change water in cuttings started last fall and add 2-3 pieces of fish tank charcoal.
  • Pinch back growing tips of leggy cuttings and plants that are overwintering.
  • Maintain moisture in posts wintering indoors BUT DO NOT OVER WATER!
  • Start to fertilize with half strength houseplant fertilizer (every 2 weeks).
  • Remove old leaves, damaged stems.
  • Pests to watch for: Spidermites, Mealybug, Scale
  • See HGIC’s January Houseplants Tips for more tips.

Indoor/Outdoor Insect and Wildlife Tips:

  • Watch for insects that may show up including stink bugs, spiders, moths, fruit flies, and mites.
  • Five invasive pests that cause damage to our environment, agriculture
  • See HGIC’s January Insect Tips for more details.

  • Keep bird feeders clean and filled.
  • Apply deer deterrent.
  • Remove food sources like pet food and keep trash can lids tightly secured. Keep attic and basement doors closed to keep mice and other critters out of the home.
  • This is the mating season for foxes. Late at night they make a loud noise that sounds like a person screaming. (Listen)
  • For more information on wildlife management and attracting wildlife see HGIC’s January Wildlife tips.

Source: University of Maryland’s Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC).


See below for upcoming local events in January. Don’t miss our meeting on Tuesday, January 26th, starting at 7:30 pm with a Master Gardener guest speaker, Stan Fisher, who will  give a presentation on Planting for Birds!


Winter Festivals in Montgomery Parks

Winter is right around the corner…and we have lots of festivals and events to help you enjoy the season! Check out for a list of major events happening in late November through February.

01/08/2016 – Friday Foray: Winter


‎Friday, ‎January ‎08, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

We will bird along the C&O Canal and Potomac River at Riley’s Lock in Poolesville and then drive to the nearby wildlife impoundments at Hugh’s Hollow to look for winter waterfowl. Registered participants will receive directions and a map link by e-mail.

Ages 18 & up

01/09/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎09, ‎2016, ‏‎11:00:00 AMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join us for a family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/09/2016 – Get Lost! at Black Hill Regional Park

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎09, ‎2016, ‏‎2:00:00 PMGo to full article

Are you looking for a family adventure? Then join us for an introduction to getting lost! Okay, not “lost,” really we mean geocaching and letterboxing. We’ll teach you a little bit about each activity and let you practice some new skills to get ready for your own fun family adventure.

Ages 6 & up

01/10/2016 – Make It and Take It: Wind Flags

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎10, ‎2016, ‏‎12:00:00 PMGo to full article

Drop by the Visitor Center and have some fun! We’ll have easy-to-make seasonal crafts that you can make and take home. No registration required; drop-in anytime during program hours! Fee is per craft; exact change is appreciated.

All ages

01/10/2016 – Science Sunday: Ooey Gooey

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎10, ‎2016, ‏‎3:00:00 PMGo to full article

Science is awesome, messy, and fun! Join a park naturalist as we explore the awesome world of science around the park. On this Ooey Gooey Science Sunday we’re going to get messy by making things like slime and silly putty. We’ll use our ooey gooey experiments to talk about the science of liquids, solids, and polymers. You’ll also get to take some ooey gooey experiments home with you.

Ages 6 to 12

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎8:30:00 AMGo to full article

Discover amazing winter birding just minutes from I-270! Do goldeneyes, tundra swans, and coots sound intriguing? Come check them out with an expert guide. Meet at the Visitor Center. Bring your own binoculars if you have them; spotting scopes will be provided. Dress for the weather.

Ages 16 & up

01/16/2016 – Easy Basketry at Brookside Nature Center in Wheaton Regional Park

Using willow staves and a round wooden base, we’ll fashion a simple, cylindrical basket by applying basic basket weaving techniques.  The natural container we create will be ideal for holding pens, tools or other utensils.

Ages 12 & up

01/16/2016 – Weed Warriors at Elmhirst Parkway

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

Saturday 10:00am to 12:00 noon.

Save the Trees! of this tributary of Rock Creek. This neighborhood park provides a stripe of green and a lovely pathway. Last year, persistent hard work took down some of the longest standing vines, but the summer those pesky plants have grown again.  Join the community (ceritfied Weed Warrior or not) for group workdays, the 3rd Saturday of the month. Each workday will have a differenent target.
SSL hours approved.

Wear long plants, sturdy shoes and work clothes. Gloves and tools will be provided, or bring your own. Hand tools only. No power tools, machetes or herbicides.

Questions and RSVP to Barbara or Anne at Please note that email is not monitored after 1pm Friday.

01/16/2016 – Volunteer at a MLK Jr. Day of Service Event this weekend!

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

Montgomery Parks is excited to once again take part in the MLK Jr. Day of Service.  We’re looking forward to another great 3-day weekend of volunteer service in our parks January 16-18, 2016!

Last year, more than 500 volunteers joined us in celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service by cleaning up our parks and streams, and by removing non-native invasive plants and helping to save our forests!  Let’s see if we can do even more this year!

Go to to see the growing list of events where YOU can help out!  Keep checking back as we get closer to the date as we will be updating the list of volunteer events often.

Most projects will either be 10am to noon in the mornings, or 1pm to 3pm in the afternoons.

Projects are Student Service Learning (SSL) approved.

Contact Lynn in the Volunteer Services Office (VSO) if you have any questions.

Hope to see you out there!

In case the weather is a little “iffy” please get the latest updates on cancellations at:

01/16/2016 – Raptor Feeding

 ‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎12:00:00 PMGo to full article

Observe Meadowside’s resident raptors during their feeding time and hear some stories about the raptors on exhibit.

All ages

01/16/2016 – Outdoor Classroom Explor-a-thon

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎1:00:00 PMGo to full article

Want to jump like a frog? Dig a hole to China? Search for spineless wonders? Then join us in the outdoor classroom exploration areas at the Black Hill Visitor Center. Staff will guide children through a variety of activities that are sure to be fun and inspiring. Dress for the weather.

Ages 5 to 12

01/16/2016 – Wheaton Wanders

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎2:00:00 PMGo to full article

Take a walk with a naturalist on nearby trails to discover what’s happening in nature around Brookside Nature Center. One day we might learn how to identify trees in winter, another day we’ll go birdwatching. The next week we may learn about animal tracks. You never know what nature will share, so be here each week for all the fun!

Ages 6 to 12

01/16/2016 – Winter Campfire

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎16, ‎2016, ‏‎5:00:00 PMGo to full article

Baby its cold outside! But don’t let that stop you from enjoying a roaring campfire under the starts. Join a naturalist for a winter-inspired campfire followed by s’mores! Meet at the Visitor Center and bring a chair or blanket.

Ages 1 & up

01/17/2016 – Harpists at the Visitor Center

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎17, ‎2016, ‏‎1:00:00 PMGo to full article

Join us for an afternoon of beautiful harp music and the natural beauty of Black Hill all around you. No need to register; just come to the Visitor Center and enjoy.

All ages

01/17/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎17, ‎2016, ‏‎1:30:00 PMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join this family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/17/2016 – January Storytimes: Winter Weather

 ‎Sunday, ‎January ‎17, ‎2016, ‏‎3:00:00 PMGo to full article

Now that the weather is colder, enjoy a tale about nature in the cozy comfort of the nature center. Join us in January by our cozy hearth to watch the weather from our big window while listening to a different story each week about the wonders of winter weather like snowflakes, crystals and ice.

Ages 3 to 6

01/17/2016 – What Are You Missing?

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎17, ‎2016, ‏‎4:00:00 PMGo to full article

Look around…listen…breath deep…touch! Our understanding of the world around us is based on what we can sense, and what we can imagine. As humans, we have limited senses of hearing and sight–and our sense of time also has an effect on what we understand. Join a Brookside naturalist to learn how to use different tools to expand your powers of observation and sharpen your senses. You never know what you’ll discover when you take a closer look!

Ages 5 & up

01/18/2016 – Park Play Day

‎Monday, ‎January ‎18, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

No school? No problem! On many of the days Montgomery County Public Schools are off (teacher training days, etc.), Park Play Days are on.  Bring your kids (ages 6-12) for a Park Play Day full of activities, including an ice skating lesson, arts & crafts, and fun team games and sports.

Ages 6 to 12

01/18/2016 – Tennis Boot Days

Monday, ‎January ‎18, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

School’s out today, so why not let your young tennis pros take the day to learn and improve their tennis skills?  We’ll use games, personal instruction and drills to teach beginning/intermediate level players all the basics: forehand, backhand and overhead strokes, serves and volleys, footwork, scorekeeping, names and meanings of the lines, and more.  It’s great fun and great exercise, too!  Please bring non-perishable lunch.

Ages 6 to 12

01/18/2016 – Park Play Day

‎Monday, ‎January ‎18, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

No school? No problem! On many of the days Montgomery County Public Schools are off (teacher training days, etc.), Park Play Days are on.  Bring your kids (ages 6-12) for a Park Play Day full of activities, including an ice skating lesson, arts & crafts, and fun team games and sports.

Ages 6 to 12

01/18/2016 – Volunteer at a MLK Jr. Day of Service Event this weekend!

‎Monday, ‎January ‎18, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

Montgomery Parks is very excited to once again take part in the MLK Jr. Day of Service.  We’re looking forward to another great weekend of service this winter on January 16-18, 2016.

Last year, more than 500 volunteers joined us in celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service by cleaning up our parks and streams, and by removing non-native invasive plants and saving the forest!  Let’s see if we can do even more this year!

Go to to see the growing list of events where YOU can help out!  Keep checking back as we get closer to the date.

01/22/2016 – Night Hike: Black Hill

‎Friday, ‎January ‎22, ‎2016, ‏‎6:30:00 PMGo to full article

Take a hike by the light of the full moon. We’ll look and listen for creatures that are most active at night. Hikes are approximately 1 mile. Dress warmly and please, no flashlights.

Ages 8 & up

01/23/2016 – Backyard Birding

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎23, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

Learn which seed is preferred by which bird and where to place your feeders, then make a treat or a feeder for your backyard feathered friends. Please register everyone attending and dress for the weather. Call 301-528-3492 to let us know if your child has any food allergies.

Ages 1 & up

01/23/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎23, ‎2016, ‏‎11:00:00 AMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join us for a family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/23/2016 – Raptor Enrichment

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎23, ‎2016, ‏‎11:30:00 AMGo to full article

Raptors are smart! Come see Meadowside’s resident raptors as they search for food, explore new objects, and encounter new experiences.

All ages

01/23/2016 – Raptor Feeding

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎23, ‎2016, ‏‎12:00:00 PMGo to full article

Observe Meadowside’s resident raptors during their feeding time and hear some stories about the raptors on exhibit.

All ages

01/23/2016 – Wheaton Wanders

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎23, ‎2016, ‏‎2:00:00 PMGo to full article

Take a walk with a naturalist on nearby trails to discover what’s happening in nature around Brookside Nature Center. One day we might learn how to identify trees in winter, another day we’ll go birdwatching. The next week we may learn about animal tracks. You never know what nature will share, so be here each week for all the fun!

Ages 6 to 12

01/24/2016 – Tennis Boot Days

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

School’s out today, so why not let your young tennis pros take the day to learn and improve their tennis skills?  We’ll use games, personal instruction and drills to teach beginning/intermediate level players all the basics: forehand, backhand and overhead strokes, serves and volleys, footwork, scorekeeping, names and meanings of the lines, and more.  It’s great fun and great exercise, too!  Please bring non-perishable lunch.

Ages 6 to 12

01/24/2016 – Park Play Day

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

No school? No problem! On many of the days Montgomery County Public Schools are off (teacher training days, etc.), Park Play Days are on.  Bring your kids for a Park Play Day full of activities, including an ice skating lesson, arts & crafts, and fun team games and sports.

Ages 6 to 12

01/24/2016 – Family Day at Black Hill

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎1:00:00 PMGo to full article

School’s out today, so bring the kids to the Visitor Center for an afternoon of nature fun! Friends of Black Hill Nature Programs will be on hand to help you explore nature topics like birds, bats and bears. Also, volunteer naturalists will lead short nature walks with hands-on activities and games. Drop in anytime from 1 – 4 pm for the fun! This program is free, but please register so we’ll have enough materials and help for all.

Ages 1 & up

01/24/2016 – Something Awesome!

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎1:00:00 PMGo to full article

Nature is awesome, cool, and super-fun! We’ll celebrate the winter wonderland around us with awesome activities around the Visitor Center. Check our Facebook page before the program to find out what’s happening today and to know how to dress.

Ages 5 & up

01/24/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎1:30:00 PMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join this family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/24/2016 – What Are You Missing?

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2016, ‏‎4:00:00 PMGo to full article

Look around…listen…breath deep…touch! Our understanding of the world around us is based on what we can sense, and what we can imagine. As humans, we have limited senses of hearing and sight–and our sense of time also has an effect on what we understand. Join a Brookside naturalist to learn how to use different tools to expand your powers of observation and sharpen your senses. You never know what you’ll discover when you take a closer look!

Ages 5 & up

MCT Garden Club January Meeting Topic: Planting for Birds

January 26 @ 7:30 pm9:00 pm

Mill Creek Towne Elementary,

17700 Park Mill Dr
Derwood, 20855 United States

+ Google Map

ruby-throated hummingbird

Hi Fellow Gardeners and Neighbors! The Mill Creek Towne Garden Club is starting up its programs for 2016!  This month we will have a Master Gardener providing tips on planting for birds.  Please come join us – all are welcome!  Below are the details.

Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
Topic: Ultimate Garden Planner Speaker: Stan Fisher, Master Gardener
Location: Mill Creek Towne Elementary Teacher’s Lounge
Hostesses: Betty Laffan, Claire Peterson

01/30/2016 – Weed Warriors – Friends of Sligo Creek at Forest Glen

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

Saturdays, 9-11am *usually*

Join us this morning to take on the invasive plants along the stream and the bike path. This seciton of Sligo Creek has had a steady group of volunteers working to preserve the secret biodiversity of Sligo Creek. Join us and we may just show you something cool. We’ll certainly teach you how to work the invasives that are probably in your yard too. Work continues in this section to remove undesirable plants, restore forest health and enjoy Sligo Creek throughout the year, usually the last Saturday of the month. Workdays occur in all temperatures, but are cancelled in the event of rain. Wear appropriate clothing, bring your own tools or borrow ours.

01/30/2016 – Webelos/Arrow of Light Elective: Into the Wild

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎9:30:00 AMGo to full article

Learn about flyways, birds found in your backyard, and caring for insects.  Explore the role producers, consumers, and decomposers play in the food chain of an ecosystem.

Ages 7 to 10

01/30/2016 – Nature Architects

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎10:00:00 AMGo to full article

Erect a tower, build a boat, make a mud pie…it’s time to let your inner architect out! We’ll venture into different park habitats to design and construct things using natural objects and materials. What we do will depend on the weather and the things we can find. But no matter what we do, come dressed for the weather and ready to get dirty.

Ages 3 to 12

01/30/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎11:00:00 AMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join us for a family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/30/2016 – Raptor Enrichment

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎11:30:00 AMGo to full article

Raptors are smart! Come see Meadowside’s resident raptors as they search for food, explore new objects, and encounter new experiences.

All ages

01/30/2016 – Raptor Feeding

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎12:00:00 PMGo to full article

Observe Meadowside’s resident raptors during their feeding time and hear some stories about the raptors on exhibit.

All ages

01/30/2016 – Family Scavenger Hunt

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎1:00:00 PMGo to full article

Bring the family to Black Hill Visitor Center to hunt for natural treasures! Drop by the Visitor Center to pick up a scavenger hunt sheet, get some helpful hints, and then head outside to start looking. When you’ve finished, come back to the Visitor Center to get a prize. No registration required – drop in anytime during program hours!

All ages

01/30/2016 – Wheaton Wanders

‎Saturday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2016, ‏‎2:00:00 PMGo to full article

Take a walk with a naturalist on nearby trails to discover what’s happening in nature around Brookside Nature Center. One day we might learn how to identify trees in winter, another day we’ll go birdwatching. The next week we may learn about animal tracks. You never know what nature will share, so be here each week for all the fun!

Ages 6 to 12

01/31/2016 – Ladies Trek: Agricultural History Farm Park

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2016, ‏‎9:00:00 AMGo to full article

Want to hike but don’t quite know where to go? Meet other women and hike park trails with a park naturalist. Hike lengths vary with the pace of each group. Today we’ll hike in the Agricultural History Farm Park – a 410-acre complex situated along Rock Creek in Derwood, Maryland. The park features a farmhouse, barn, assorted farm buildings and an activity center, as well as 7- acres set aside to depict historic life on the farm. Meet at the parking lot to the left of the Activity Center, 18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD. Trail Map:

Ages 18 & up

01/31/2016 – Meet the Animals

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2016, ‏‎1:30:00 PMGo to full article

What animals live in and around Wheaton Regional Park and which animals actually live in the nature center? Join this family friendly presentation and your chance to see the animals close up.

Ages 2 & up

01/31/2016 – Make It and Take It: Twig Art

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2016, ‏‎1:30:00 PMGo to full article

Drop by the Visitor Center and have some fun! We’ll have easy-to-make seasonal crafts that you can make and take home. No registration required; drop-in anytime during program hours! Fee is per craft; exact change is appreciated.

All ages

01/31/2016 – January Storytimes: Winter Weather

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2016, ‏‎3:00:00 PMGo to full article

Now that the weather is colder, enjoy a tale about nature in the cozy comfort of the nature center. Join us in January by our cozy hearth to watch the weather from our big window while listening to a different story each week about the wonders of winter weather like snowflakes, crystals and ice.

Ages 3 to 6

01/31/2016 – What Are You Missing?

‎Sunday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2016, ‏‎4:00:00 PMGo to full article

Look around…listen…breath deep…touch! Our understanding of the world around us is based on what we can sense, and what we can imagine. As humans, we have limited senses of hearing and sight–and our sense of time also has an effect on what we understand. Join a Brookside naturalist to learn how to use different tools to expand your powers of observation and sharpen your senses. You never know what you’ll discover when you take a closer look!

Ages 5 & up