ruby-throated hummingbird

MCT Garden Club October Meeting Topic: Planting for Birds

Join us for Montgomery County Master Gardener, Stan Fisher’s talk about Planting for Birds.   Learn more about how our yards can be more inviting to these backyard visitors.  As always, refreshments will be provided. The meeting information is below and we look forward to seeing you there!

  • Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
  • Topic: Planting for Birds
  • Speaker: Stan Fisher, Master Gardener
  • Location: Mill Creek Towne Elementary Teacher’s Lounge
  • Hostesses:  Nancy Brady, Claire Peterson

July Garden Tips – Edible Flowers


Here are some edible flowers from Mill Creek Towne Garden Club’s Vice President and Master Gardener, Heather Whirley’s garden!

edible flowers

From left to right in the photo: 
  1. CALENDULA/Calendula officinalis also commonly called Pot Marigold, used to flavor and color soups and stews, petals are edible as a topping for salads.  Has a bitter flavor.
  2. LAVENDER – Lavandula angustifolia – floral flavor used in icings, cakes, cookies and pastries.  Recommended varieties for culinary use are “Munstead” and “Hidcote.”
  3. CHAMOMILE/Chamaemelum nobile, Matricaria recutita – used in teas for calming effect.  Do not use or use sparingly if you have allergies to ragweed, as this plant is in the same family. Two types – Annual is the German Matricaria recutita and the perennial Roman is Chamaemelum nobile.  Use the flowers of either type interchangeably in the kitchen.
  4. THYME/Thymus spp. – this herb’s flowers give an herbal flavor – sprigs can be used for decorating plates, also great to let flower in the garden for bees.
  5. BEE BALM/Monarda didyma, M. fistulosa, M.citriodora– spicy, sweet flavor, but exceptionally tempting for the bees in the garden.  Leaves are used to make Bergamot tea.