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February Meeting Topic: Orchid Care

orchids photoHello, Fellow Gardeners!
Well, it is February and it continues to be chilly! We were able to get a speaker for the month of February who could also talk about orchids.  So, please plan to join us for a program on orchids at the upcoming February meeting.  The details are below.  As a reminder, if the Montgomery County Schools are closed for the day, the Garden Club will not meet that evening. 

Date:  February 24, 2015 @ 7:30 p.m.
Location:  Mill Creek Towne Elementary School Teacher’s Lounge
Speaker:  Steve Robinson
Topic: Orchid Care
Hostesses:  Carolyn Randall and Nancy Brady

Montgomery County Master Gardeners’ Conference

Montgomery County Master Gardeners logoMontgomery County Master Gardeners is presenting its 15th Spring Gardening Conference on Saturday, February 21, 2015.  The conference, “Adapt, Evolve, Engage:  Gardening Strategies for Today and Beyond,” will offer talks and workshops to help you enjoy successful gardening. 

  • The conference will take place at the University of Maryland Extension, Montgomery County Office, 18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD, beginning at 8:30 a.m. with light refreshments and registration. The day will be divided into three sessions with concurrent workshops in each. During the lunch break, two shorter sessions will be open to everyone. The charge for the conference is $55.00, or two people can register together for $100. The charge includes coffee and refreshments, a bag lunch, the presentations, handouts, door prizes, access to our speakers and on-line reference for the presentations. The day will end at 2:30 p.m. with a short wrap-up session.
  • Below is the registration link for Master Gardener February conference being held in Derwood on Saturday, February 21, 2015 (snow date is February 28, 2015).