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April Meeting

Hi Fellow Gardeners!
The April meeting is just around the corner and the program is planimportant. We are planning next year’s meeting schedule, programs, and social activities, and identifying officer roles, the Garden Club’s role in the community, and fund raising activities.  Please plan to attend so that we can brainstorm and get your input to make the most out of the coming year.  As always, here are the meeting logistics:
Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 28th @ 7:30 pm (refreshments first [yum!] followed by the meeting)
Place:  Mill Creek Towne Elementary School, Teachers’ Lounge
Hostesses:  Lynn Hughes and Linda Settlemyer

Spring Native Plant Sales in DC region – a guest blog by Rachel Shaw

Hello Fellow Gardeners!

Here’s an article in the Washington Gardener Magazine on some local native plant sales coming to our Maryland area! See the article for details on nearby plant sales coming up the weekend of April 25th-26th.

washington_gardener_logoWashington Gardener Magazine is the publication for MD, DC & VA area gardeners.
