- Grow your own fireworks in your garden! Flowers that look like fireworks:
- July is National Ice Cream month! Support your local Dairy Farmers and take the 2015 Maryland’s Best Ice Cream Trail!
- Prune foundation shrubs and trees to be no closer than 1 foot from the house.
- Boxwood gets a makeover | Washingtonpost.com
- Prune and thin shrubs that have already flowered.
- Plant heat-tolerant vegetables (Malabar spinach, Swiss chard).
- Stink bugs have strong taste for ripe fruit.
- Check your bell peppers for bacterial leaf spots.
Upcoming Events:
- July 25th–26th: Montgomery County Farm Tour and Harvest Sale
Participate this year by taking the Buy Local Challenge. This years dates are July 19th through July 26th and also corresponds with the Farm Tour and Harvest Sale (July 25th and July 26th). Come out and support local agricultural food production during the Buy Local Challenge as well as throughout the entire growing season.
- July 25th: King Barn Dairy MOOseum Farm Tour and Harvest Sale i
n Germantown, MD
- Support your local dairy farmers and visit the King Barn Dairy MOOseum and take a tour and enjoy fresh dairy products including ice cream to cool you off on a hot July day!
- August 1st: On Saturday, August 1st there will be lots of opportunities to learn about gardening for all ages at the Agriculture History Farm Park, Derwood, MD! See below for details on the August 1st Grow It Eat It event.
Discover Trees! – for 6th through 8th Grade Children
Saturday, Aug. 1, 2015 – 8:45am to 10:45am
Agriculture History Farm Park, Derwood, Md.
Come learn about the wonderful world of trees! Learn about the science of trees, how trees give us food, the connection between trees and people, caring for trees, and do a tree-related craft.