Monthly Archives: September 2014

English Ivy


English ivy is a major threat to the health of the trees around Rock Creek in Montgomery County and the District.

Ivy can kill trees and other plants by stealing sunlight and nutrients, attracting fungus, and weighing down branches causing them to break. The roots of English ivy penetrate cracks in mortar, stucco, and concrete and grow under siding and shingles. Ivy provides an excellent habitat for rats and mosquitoes, but few other animals make use of the plant.

Removal: At the base of trees, use garden clippers and a hand saw to cut all ivy vines in a ring around the tree trunk. Remove the cut section ensuring that you can see the bark of the tree. Do not pull the vines off the tree because this can damage the bark of the tree. The vines will die back and fall off the tree. Along the ground, English ivy has a shallow root system and can be pulled up. On buildings and other structures, cut a gap in the ivy vines and pull all vines from the ground around the building. Do not pull vines off of the structure as you can cause damage to the exterior of the building. The vines will die back and fall off over time.

See more and a pledge to remove English ivy at

Facebook Posts

Hello Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Gardeners,

Happy Spring! It’s time to get started on your garden plans for Spring! Here are some garden tips, educational opportunities, and videos for March. Some upcoming events/resources include our Make a Spectacle in the Garden! March MCT Garden Club Community Event, RainScapes Portal Now Open; Rebates Up to $7,500 for Residents and $20,000 for Businesses Available to Prevent Stormwater Runoff, Birdwatching 101 – In Person, Flora and Fauna Program, Meadowside Nature Center Events, Muddy Branch Alliance Native Plant Sale, “OUR EARTH” Book Discussion Club – IN PERSON – Connie Morella Library, Birding Events, Sugaring Off 🍁🥞, Seneca Creek State Park March Programs, 55+ Nature Book Club – Book Discussion, Implementing Climate Resilient Living Shorelines in Maryland, Montgomery College Lifelong Learning Home and Garden Classes – Spring 2025, Let’s Talk Gardens, and more!

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Hello Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Gardeners,

Happy Spring! It’s time to get started on your garden plans for Spring! Here are some garden tips, educational opportunities, and videos for March. Some upcoming events/resources include our Make a Spectacle in the Garden! March MCT Garden Club Community Event, RainScapes Portal Now Open; Rebates Up to $7,500 for Residents and $20,000 for Businesses Available to Prevent Stormwater Runoff, Birdwatching 101 – In Person, Flora and Fauna Program, Meadowside Nature Center Events, Muddy Branch Alliance Native Plant Sale, “OUR EARTH” Book Discussion Club – IN PERSON – Connie Morella Library, Birding Events, Sugaring Off 🍁🥞, Seneca Creek State Park March Programs, 55+ Nature Book Club – Book Discussion, Implementing Climate Resilient Living Shorelines in Maryland, Montgomery College Lifelong Learning Home and Garden Classes – Spring 2025, Let’s Talk Gardens, and more!
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